Friday, 12 March 2021

the tsunami warning

Hello bloggers

On the 5th of march 2021 a tsunami almost passed through the east coast of the top half of the north island, and whoever was near the coast had to evacuate and get to higher ground. The most important thing of a tsunami is an emergency pack, an emergency pack is all of the necessity for an evacuation/disaster. For a emergency pack you at least need a

  • torch
  • a phone that is able to get disaster warning or government notifications so you know when the all clear signal comes
  • long lasting foods e.g muesli bars, crackers, nut, etc
  • umbrella
  • medicine
  • water
  • first aid kits
  • and bug repellent
 If you want you can put 

  • books
  • a rubix cube (if you have one)
  • a jacket
  • hat
  • sunscreen
  • and medicine for bug bites inside your bag. 
You do not want to put in

  •  toast
  • nothing that needs to be plugged into an outlet
  • fruit
  • and a tent.
are you now ready for another emergence?

see ya bloggers

Monday, 8 March 2021

our 4th lock down in Auckland

 Hello Bloggers :) 

It has been our 4th lock down In Auckland, Instead of 3 days we had to have a 7 day lock down, when It

got announced on TV I was happy because we have to stay home and do everything yourself and you

don't have to do it in order on the time table on the white board.

My favourite thing of lock down was f you finished all of you work you are able to do almost anything you

want, e.g gaming, eat snacks, family time, e.t.c, also my favourite school activity was maths because

the opportunities are endless and maths is everywhere In lock down when I was playing with my family,

we were playing Mario kart 8 deluxe me and my dad are the best at the game then my brother then my

mum. The game is Mario kart but there are more characters, game modes, options, Items, and the

graphics are better.

When I went back to school I felt good but in a bad way because I got to meet my friends but I also have to

do a lot of work, but we have to learn because it is part of the learning curriculum and if you do all of your

work you get smarter by 1 - 10 IQ. When you are a grown up you can solve every problem that comes in

your way if you have done all of your work when you were a child at school.

bye bye bloggers