Friday, 25 June 2021

our procedure writing

Hello Blogger

We've recently been doing procedure text/writing. A procedure text is a text where it guides you through a game, or playing tag and a lot more. For my procedure text I did Cluedo! It's a game where you find the murder in the black sack in the middle, also you have to find out what he/she used in what room.

Here is my procedure DLO

and here is my procedure text`

Here is part of my procedure text

How to play cluedo

Today you will learn to play cluedo with 2 or more people

Goal: to  figure out the murder in the black sack in the middle 

What do you need?

The board game cluedo

2 or more people

1.  Set up the game board and put the miniature weapons from the game in random rooms and assign every person to different character

2.   Roll the dice(s),if you get the magnifying glass on the dice you get to pick a card that has a magnifying glass and say the red text, it helps you get clues to find the murder, the magnifying glass on the dice is 1 move, miss scarlett first then clockwize on the board

1 comment:

  1. Hi Morgan I am Akindu from New Windsor. That look's like a cool game but the thing I like about you guys is that you are collaborating. That is really cool Morgan...


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